Unending journeys

Hello and welcome!

In this one neat and organised (I hope) space you will be able to find information about the characters that I roleplay as over on Chasing Daybreak forum roleplay website (disclaimer: do keep in mind that if you are looking for information about the characters that are the face claims for the ones that I roleplay as, you will have to look elsewhere; they are also owned by their respective trademarks)!

My aim is to provide some basic information, as well some extra nuggets of knowledge that are not contained within the respective character's application form. Aside from that, I aim to provide essentials on what the character's relationships are like, for future or past plots, as well as ways of how, when or where one can come across the characters.

That being said, I hope this plotter answers some of your questions or maybe provides a starting point for bigger plots or just some clowny threads.

Happy RP'ing!


Iseul Im

Son of bakers from Miria, currently enrolled in Garreg Mach University.

They say if you chant 'Witching Bites' three times in a row, he will appear out of thin air.

Cheshire Adelhardt von Hevring

Current heir to the House of Hevring, corporate treasurer in Apex Holdings of Lichtstein. Cheshire seems to have his life together - by having a somewhat powerful spot in the family and a well paying job.

But does he really?

Ywain Gautier

An elderly man, a high-ranking military veteran and a full time menace to the Faerghan streets.

Ywain is a badass Grandpa who won't think twice of hunting down those who dare hurt his grandchildren.

Psyché Leclair

Current Prime Minister of the Holy Kingdom of Faerghus.

Advance the story to see more.

Iseul Im

Name: Iseul Im
Age: 20
Birthday: 19th of the Red Wolf Moon, 1661
Nationality: Half Dagdan, Half Leicesterian
Affiliation: The Leicester Alliance
Pronouns: He/Him
Occupation: Student & Freelance baker
Crest: None
Personality type: ISFJ-T
Favourite thing: Drinking milk

What is my deal?

Iseul grew up relatively unscathed, in a loving home with loving parents, who own their own bakery. As such, from young childhood Iseul was taught how to bake, in preparation of his eventual inheritance of the family business.

That resulted in Iseul growing up to be rather reclusive, often keeping to himself. He is painfully honest with others and finds it hard to just walk up to people and start a blind conversation.

It would take a small fiery disaster for Iseul to reconsider the whole baking shtick, when he came to an agreement with his father and promised to give baking a genuine try. Mostly because up until then Iseul was not too thrilled of being confined to the bakery on his parents' behest.

After giving baking a second chance, Iseul fell in love with the skill and is looking forward to working in Witching Bites. His academic results have not dipped, in spite of him spending a lot of time tending to the bakery with his parents, however, he doesn't have a solid friend group as a result of not spending time with classmates.

His scholarly pursuits would land him an opportunity to work on a project with one of his high school teachers, which ultimately helped him reach one of the highest stars in Fódlan - the coveted Garreg Mach University.

What am I up to nowadays?

Iseul became quite curious about Garreg Mach's streets and is every now and then wandering about the city to see what he can discover. Since the city was recently under lockdown, the baker ultimately decided to stay within its walls, instead of leaving.

His days look relatively the same - wake up, bathroom, bake, attend training or lectures, meander through the streets back to dorm, work on university assignments, sleep. Rinse and repeat.

Now that the residents of the city are cautiously allowed travel through its walls, Iseul took the opportunity to visit the Garland Fete celebration in Fhirdiad, as well as compete in one of the fabled contests. Mistakes were made.

Ultimately, however, Iseul is mostly found within Garreg Mach. More often than not, he ends up in the tunnels of the Abyss, for better or worse.

What possible relationships are there?

Family: Iseul is an only child and he mostly had contact with his mother's side of the family. There is potential for possible cousins from either his mother's or father's side.

Friends: A true friendship is a bit hard for Iseul to form, mostly because he finds it tough to approach strangers on his own and his honesty can be a turn off for some. That being said, poor lad is in need of a concrete group of friends. However, Yoshi managed to completely crack Iseul open, bypassing his usual reclusiveness.

Enemies: Anybody who discards half-eaten foods. In all seriousness, this is a bit freeform, seeing as Iseul was created as just a normal person. As a result, his 'enemies' would most likely be people whose opinions differ from his own.

Romance: Iseul himself is unsure and confused. He had a crush on a male schoolmate in high school, but that's about it. All he knows is that if he were to be with somebody, he would prefer somebody who would be willing to settle down with him in Miria. But there is a potential for a messy relationship, with the conflict stemming from Iseul's wish to return to Witching Bites.

How can you come across me?

Student at GMU: Arguably the easiest way to meet Iseul is to be a studying at Garreg Mach University. Seeing as he is a student himself, it wouldn't be too far fetched to meet a fellow studious soul.

Abyss dweller: Iseul has been drawn to the Abyss on a couple of occasions by now. Even though he has been warned, his curiosity sometimes gets the better of him and he wanders into strange places.

Fellow artisan: Seeing as Iseul is neck deep within the art of baking, he has a certain fondness for others who practice other traditional crafts, such as tailors or pottery makers. Bonus points if they are into cooking or even better, baking.

Failure witness: The most recent Great Fódlan Bake Off was a complete disaster for the aspiring baker. Not only that, it was also aired on the TV. There is a chance someone may recognize him.

Customer at Witching Bites (past): Even though Iseul mostly works in the kitchen, during the weekends he periodically sweeps the floor and cleans wall counter seating. One could've briefly met him through that coincidence. Or during one of the days there was no other option, but to have Iseul be the cashier.

That being said, there are no concrete answers on what would and what wouldn't work! If any of these pointers/ideas have given you an idea for a plot with Iseul, do let me know; I am always glad to discuss the countless possibilities for plots!

Cheshire Adelhardt von Hevring

(Full) Name: Cheshire Adelhardt von Hevring
Age: 27 (28)
Birthday: 4th of the Verdant Rain Moon, 1654
Nationality: 100% Adrestian
Affiliation: The Adrestian Empire
Pronouns: He/Him
Occupation: Heir of Hevring & Corporate treasurer at Apex Holdings
Crest: Minor Crest of Cethleann
Personality type: ENFJ-T
Favourite thing: Mari's biscuits™

What is my deal?

Truth be told, Cheshire's upbringing is not of the sweet and happy variety. From the day he was born, he was chosen as the thing, that would bring his parents recognition within the Hevring family. He was tested for a crest and thankfully it discovered that he was indeed of proper Hevring blood. Being from a different branch than the current Count, however, Cheshire still had to work thrice as hard to make an impression. According to his parents, at least.

His schedule was filled out from dawn till dusk and some more with school, extracurricular activities, lectures and extra training. Failure was not an option, as Cheshire quickly found out from the beatings and other punishments that he would then receive, when not performing at 120%.

Only after attaining the best of the best awards and achievements after finishing high school, his diligence would be rewarded. Rewarded by the rest of the Hevrings turning their sight on the promising boy, ultimately being elevated to the status of heir. Unfortunately only in name.

With his achievements and accolades, it wasn't hard for Cheshire to be accepted to Garreg Mach University, where he would eventually finish his studies five years later with a master's degree in finances.

During this time his parents didn't have that tight of a grip on Cheshire while he was away and his life was thrown for a loop after meeting the Imperial Prince. Cracks would slowly show up in his memories and make the Hevring reflect on his past, but still being far from fully recognizing its horrors.

Once he was finished with his degree, even the most stubborn of older Hevrings applauded Cheshire's hard work and he was swamped with new duties right after.

What am I up to nowadays?

Work work work.

Stuck in Lichtstein.

Still under the iron grip of his parents.

However, some of his more recent highlights include observing the Great Fódlan Bake Off competition from live audience, getting drunk with his fellow Adrestians and dancing at the Ball, even getting to dance with the young Queen of Faerghus herself.

Cheshire also had run-ins with an undercover Aegis agent, one of them being while the heir was still in Fhirdiad, after the Garland Fete. Aside from that, the noble was one of the people who answered the call to help out in Remire. Not that he had a choice, to begin with. What happens afterwards, however, is still unclear.

What possible relationships are there?

Family: Now that Cheshire has a half-sister, it would take a longer conversation to get plot points aligned for a sibling, but there are many other options within the Hevring family. Whether it is his parents, the current Count or his cousins, any of them are fair game.

Friends: There are not many people who Cheshire would dare call 'friend'. That is mostly due to him being forced to be isolated from others, so that he could be the diligent little bee his parents made him out to be. He would take a bit more time to form a genuine bond, but the noble is loyal and fiercely protective of those he holds dear.

Enemies: While it is not exactly his intention, Cheshire knows that just his face or last name would make some people's blood boil. One cannot please everybody and Cheshire is well aware of that - especially after he become a boss of a whole department. Not to mention that he is an employee of a somewhat controversial bank, which doesn't add to his credibility. Still, there are possibilities for a solid sour relationship.

Romance: Cheshire's mind is too much of a muddle right now to fully commit to a relationship; one night stands is where it's at. Eventually, however, he would love to have someone he feels comfortable being around. Once he faces his inner demons.

How can you come across me?

Member of the Adrestian Court: Now that Cheshire has been an heir for a bit, it is quite probable that he has met a good number of the other Adrestian nobles through various meetings and gatherings. Goes for both past and present ideas/threads.

City of Lichtstein: Due to his work, Cheshire is mostly confined to the city of his birth - Lichtstein. He doesn't get out much, mostly for gatherings of the Adrestian court or if he gets invited to play the piano out of the city.

Clubs and bars: Tied to mostly Lichtstein, still, but Cheshire is adamant about his ritual of going to drink at least twice per week - in a bar during the work week and in a club during the weekend, as sometimes his club outings end up with lewd things.

Indechgram: He doesn't particularly advertise it anywhere, but he has some followers who are interested in his piano skills. Cheshire posts on his page at least a few times a week, usually trying to highlight something nice or cool that happened to him. One wouldn't guess what sort of turmoil is brewing in the background. His DMs are always open for people to shoot him a message.

A Historian's Abode: A blog dedicated to Cheshire's love of history. Not that anybody would know that he is behind it - he keeps it a secret, addressing himself as 'a Historian lost in his Abode', in order to hide his identity. He takes special care not to give out his name, location or affiliation, to ensure that the contents are as objective as they can be. One can leave a comment for him and he may reply to it later on.

Garreg Mach University (past): Cheshire has been out of the University for roughly two years now, but that part of his history is still mostly shrouded in mystery. There is plenty room for ideas in this section.

That being said, there are no concrete answers on what would and what wouldn't work! If any of these pointers/ideas have given you an idea for a plot with Cheshire, do let me know; I am always glad to discuss the countless possibilities for plots!

Ywain Gautier

Name: Ywain Gautier (born Lavigne)
Age: 64
Birthday: 20th of the Guardian Moon, 1617
Nationality: Faerghan, with distant Dagdan roots
Affiliation: The Holy Kingdom of Faerghus
Pronouns: He/Him
Occupation: Military veteran & Archivist
Crest: (Hidden) Minor Crest of Aubin
Personality type:
Favourite thing: Making people irritated by his actions (being a knobhead)

What is my deal?

Ywain was born a Lavigne, a minor noble that was destined to be forgotten. He wasn't particularly bothered by it, but over time it would twist into something a bit more nefarious.

The crest he was born with was a strange one, off the records and kept as a secret from the moment of its discreet discovery. Under his own grandfather's tutelage and influence he would develop interest in military tactics, swordsmanship, as well as archery.

He was often scolded and punished extra harshly for his style of archery that resembled one found in Dagda, but his prowess with bows would eventually put a partial halt on the disdain.

Eventually he would join the ranks of Faerghus' knights. During one fateful Garland Fete, Ywain was tasked with patrolling the streets, when he saw the true love of his life. Unfortunately for him, it so happened to be the heir of Gautiers, at the time. He knew she was way out of his league, but he would try his best. Anything to be above the lowly status of a small time noble.

Ywain worked his charm and a couple of years later he would cast off his Lavigne name, becoming a Gautier, instead. He loved the woman he married, but at the same time, his greed for a more powerful spot in the society was a greater drive.

This drive drove a wedge in between him and his offspring, especially with Ywain often being away on military business at the front. Him and his children drifted apart and their relationships became irreparable.

Many a years later, however, after his grandchildren were born and Ywain was nearing the end of his military service, his wife had him reconsider connecting with at least those grandchildren. If he was missing from the lives of his kids, at least he should not let those fleeting moments pass by.

He gave a promise that he would try. In the end he would become a stern but lovable old man who would do anything, if it meant keeping his grandchildren safe.

What am I up to nowadays?

Mostly just chilling, worrying about his grandkids, working on archiving various documents and annoying people.

Needless to say, Ywain doesn't have much to do in his retirement. The biggest excitement as of late being the lockdown of Garreg Mach, where he resided at the time and lent his strength and knowledge to those who asked.

After the restrictions were warily lifted, Ywain was allowed to go back home and reunite with the rest of his Gautier family, but only for a fleeting moment, for the Garland Fete was underway. The old man took the opportunity to reconnect with his grandson after being apart for so long.

What possible relationships are there?

Family: Pretty set in stone - wife, kids, grandkids. There is one unexplored, mysterious avenue, however. Ywain's old family of Lavignes is something that is only whispered around, for he never divulged any worthwhile information about them. It is certain that his wife knows more than other people, but just as Ywain, she never speaks of them. The birth family would be quite a sore spot for the old man.

Friends: In his old age, Ywain is not particularly looking for friendly companionship. He has a few old friends that have survived the test of time that he talks to every now and then, but otherwise he is on his own. Because of his fall into obsession with time, he doesn't think that it is worthwhile for him or the other party to grow closer. Perhaps he needs to be proven wrong.

Enemies: Most likely too many to count, given he is a military veteran. His name definitely wouldn't spark a good conversation with Srengans, but he has similar feelings. Even those who may not know his name may be cursing his existence under their breath, as his were the hands who took maybe a father, a husband, a friend away from their dearest ones. Aside from the really heavy stuff, Ywain would figure that a lot of people hate his guts, because he freely flaunts his Dagdan ancestry, in Faerghus of all places.

Romance: Happily married with kids and all that. Once upon a time he would've let loose and sleep with as many people as possible in a single night, but those days are long gone.

How can you come across me?

Member of Faerghus' high society: Naturally, after marrying himself off to become a Gautier, it wouldn't be uncommon to meet Ywain during a larger gathering. Provided he wasn't fighting out at the front at the time.

Out and about: While Ywain does work as an external archivist in his spare time, he does have an abundance of it in his retirement. Every now and then he sets out on long walks to ponder his regrets and life decisions. Or just to annoy the Faerghan populace with his presence. Mostly happens in Fhirdiad or Gautier's home province.

Guest lecture/training session: In addition to spending time as an archivist and taking long walks, Ywain enjoys sharing his knowledge. Mainly through either having more theoretical lectures on strategy or hands-on training sessions with swords and bows. Goes for both past and present ideas/threads.

Secrets within the Abyss (past): The curse of bearing a crest one cannot name has been a burden of many years and Ywain yearns to unravel the mystery. Thanks to some rumors, he found his way into the Abyss during one of the more recent trips to Garreg Mach - or during the lockdown. What he found or didn't find is a mystery of its own...

That being said, there are no concrete answers on what would and what wouldn't work! If any of these pointers/ideas have given you an idea for a plot with Ywain, do let me know; I am always glad to discuss the countless possibilities for plots!

Psyché Leclair

Trying to peek at spoilers, are you?
